Building Use at Peace Lutheran Church

Peace Lutheran Church welcomes community groups to use our facilities. To ensure fair access, please review our guidelines and submit a signed Property Use Agreement and Release Form for approval. All requests are managed through the church office and are not final until approved. Church programs and members have priority, and we reserve the right to accept or deny requests. Approval does not imply endorsement, and groups may not advertise events as church-sponsored.

For more information or to request space, contact the church office.

Property Use Agreement and Release Form

Adopted by Church Council on September 20, 2022

Organization Information

Event Information

Release and Indemnity Agreement

This Release and Indemnity Agreement is between the above named party and Peace Lutheran Church (for use of the property describe above for meetings and other activities.)
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Peace Lutheran Church permitting the organization or individual(s) to use the property described herein, the organization or individual(s) agree(s) as follows:
1. Organization or individual(s) hereby indemnify, hold harmless, releases, and discharges Peace Lutheran Church and its administrator, directors, agents, officers, members, volunteers, and/or employees, from any and all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages arising out of the use of the property.
I/We agree to be responsible for the conduct of those coming to or participating in the activity for which this application is being made, and for any damage beyond normal wear and tear which may occur as a result of this activity. I/We will remove all signs posted by my/our group after the meeting has ended. I/We further agree that the church property will be used in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the congregation (a copy Property Use Resources including the Rules has been received) and I/We hereby consent to the Release and Indemnity Agreement.